About us

East Coaster Crafts is a small business based in Fife. We are dedicated to creating high-quality hand-decorated slate coasters. Which are within budget for everyone. We take pride in our craftsmanship and aim to bring a little bit of fun to every home. We started up in 2021 as a new hobby to learn.  We constantly were learning new was to make pocket money gifts. Slowly we were getting complements and made the leap to showcase our products at fairs and markets. We were made very welcome and we really enjoy the face to face interaction that we receive. We have a great level of return customers which we really appreciate. We also love to meet new customers who have received our products as gifts and they then buy more as gifts are for in their own homes. We are always evolving and love a challenge. We have invested in our business. This fabulous website and were are even trading under a trademark. The future is exciting and would love you all to be a part of it. Happy browsing. Anne-Marie.